Been saying it forever, and I used to be intimidated into saying it in muted tones, but I'm right. I didn't want too sound too radical, too crazy, too "Losertarian" (to use Michael Medved's term) and I was loathe to part with my cloak of respectability.
But it turned out that I was right when I went against Arnold in favor of Tom McClintock; I was right when I went against Arlen Specter in favor of Pat Toomey and--dare I say it?--I was right when I went against the nomination of George W. Bush in 2000. In each of these areas--as much as I respect him--Hugh Hewitt was wrong. History has borne that out (even Hugh admitted that he had erred in supporting Specter).
So now, even though such an one as the Hewitt probably disagrees, I'm thankfully free of the debilitating timidity that used to have me whisper my opinion (and then only to sworn confidantes) and I am now able to state loud and clear,
That's right. If you haven't been paying attention, let me inform you that the GOP has grown old and sclerotic. Unresponsive. Inward, and more protective of "procedures" and "process" (and "bipartisanship") than the interests of the American people. It's what 35 years of 'public service" does to a man, as exemplified in Trent Lott:
This is time where we are going to see whether we are a United States Senate anymore. Are we men or mice? Are we going to slither away from this issue and hope for some epiphany to happen? No. Let's, let's let's legislate. Let's vote. I think the majority leader has a right to expect at some point we end it. Try and cover as many objections with as many amendments as we can. But at some point we have got to get this done....
Senator Kennedy, I appreciate the legislative leadership you have been providing. I know it is not easy, you know, and your own colleagues and those of us over here have been beating you up. I mean, your a nice poster child. Thank you very much for what you do. But I'll tell you one thing I have learned the hard way. When it comes to legislating, when you are dealing with Senator Kennedy, you had better bring your lunch, because you are going to get educated, you are going to learn a lot, and you are going to get a result. Hopefully it is going to be a good one. Good luck, senator from Massachusetts. I yield the floor.
Sen. Kennedy: And the senator too. I thank my friend from Mississippi, and I commend him for a constructive and a positive attitude.
Like the old wineskin, the GOP is unfit for the new wine of Conservatism that enlivens the base. It's not an isolated incident. It's not transitory. It's systemic and permanent and the only remedy is amputation. Sorry, Hugh, but
Hugh Hewitt
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