I heard Rush talking this morning about the new "Survivor" television series theme wherein different ethnicities will be pitted against one another in “tribes” in the ultimate "survivor" competition. Of course, Rush poked fun at the whole notion of a liberal dominated organization using race as a hook for ratings.
Unbelievably, "Tony" called the show and actually BLAMED RUSH for being a racist in talking about the show!!! He maintained that Rush couldn’t criticize the show as being hypocritical since we haven’t seen the end of the series, which sent Limbaugh into a fit of hysterical laughing.
I was almost stopped dead in my tracks to hear what sounded like an otherwise rational person in one of the most clear-cut examples of a state of denial, bordering on full fledged insanity. "Tony," an African-American and self-identified liberal, couldn’t handle the fact that since the show is set up AS A COMPETITION, it follows logically that ONE OF THE RACES/TRIBES will DOMINATE OVER THE OTHER BY WINNING (something that liberals typically find anathema, especially when it comes to competition between races). But the caller refused to accept this reasoning, saying it was a “nice try” on Limbaugh’s part to “spin” what the show was about!
What madness has gripped people from being able to see the obvious?? This was a study in classic denial. If Rush had ended the exchange by saying, “Just kidding! That was a prank call we set up” I wouldn’t have been surprised. It was that textbook.
People often ask me how I managed to come up as a black conservative. After today's exchange on the Limbaugh program, I think I might start answering, "By opening my eyes."
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