If he actually said this, Mr. Maliki should receive a prompt phone call from the President that results in a public apology for his arrogance:
Mr Maliki said the treaty will go to parliament for approval but alterations must be made to the draft to ensure its passage. “Unless there are changes, it will be difficult to have the agreement approved,” he said.
Mr. Maliki said one of the sticking points was over whether US troops and private contractors would be granted immunity from Iraqi law. “We will not jeopardise the blood of Iraq’s sons by giving open immunity,” he said.
He is no doubt a brave man and has taken incredible risks for his country but for him to talk about the "blood of Iraq's sons" when it was the "blood of America's sons" that even put him in the position to stand there and make that comment is beyond the pale. He deserves a swift and harsh rebuke for this statement.
FT.com / World / Middle East - Maliki confirms deadline for US pull-out
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